Everything you need to know about Bioelectric Meridian Therapy - Academy of Bioelectric Meridian Massage Australia (2025)

Bioelectric Meridian Therapy (BMT) is a concept rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles, combined with modern technologies and scientific understanding of bioelectricity to supercharge the natural healing process.

In TCM, the concept of meridians refers to a network of channels through which vital energy, or “qi,” flows in the body. These meridians are associated with specific organs and bodily functions.

BMT involves the application of electrical stimulation to these meridians to promote and encourage health and well-being and functional mobility. BMT delivers the outcomes of massage, acupuncture, cupping, gua sha, dry needling and other natural modalities in a single session.

Key elements of Bioelectric Meridian Therapy

Meridian System

In TCM, meridians are believed to be pathways through which vital energy (qi) flows, connecting various organs and systems in the body. There are 12 primary meridians each associated with a specific organ – 5 zang organs, 6 fu organs and the pericardium. The 5 zang organs (including the liver, heart, spleen, lung and kidney) and the 6 fu organs (including the gallbladder, small intestine, large intestine, stomach and bladder) are all internal organs but differ in functions and characteristics.

All of these meridians communicate between the viscera and the body surface, connect the body’s viscera, tissues and organs into an organic whole, and use this to promote qi and blood so that the functional activities of various parts of the body can be achieved.

Qi Flow and Balance

According to TCM, health is maintained when the flow of qi through these meridian pathways is balanced and unobstructed. Imbalances or blockages in the flow of qi are thought to lead to illness and discomfort.

By opening and clearing the body’s main meridian lines, it creates a detoxing effect to harmonise and balances the body thus preventing diseases and illnesses. In short, anytime you are dealing with a medical problem, your qi is likely out of balance.

Electrical Stimulation

BMT involves the use of electrical stimulation, such as low-frequency electrical currents, applied to specific points along the meridians. This stimulation is to influence the flow of qi and promote balance in the body.

Using the body’s natural bioelectricity, this low-frequency electrical current stimulates nerves and cells and increases qi flow. Blood vessels expand creating a significant improvement in blood circulation and increases oxygen within the blood and throughout the body.

Modern Technology – ABMMA PRO

Unlike traditional acupuncture, which uses needles to stimulate meridian points, BMT incorporates modern technologies such as the ABMMA PRO BMT Device. This device generates a small electrical signal which is transferred to the client’s body through the therapist’s hands.

The ABMMA PRO BMT Device is the key source of bioelectricity used in BMT. The device generates low voltage electrical pulses of a specific amplitude and duration. The therapist has full control over the application of the bioelectric energy and can increase or decrease intensity as required.

The overall goal is to influence the body’s bioelectric energy and unblock the main meridian pathways, thereby enhancing the natural healing process.

Health benefits of Bioelectric Meridian Therapy

The greatest benefit of BMT is the holistic approach to promoting health and wellbeing. The technique is used to target the underlying causes and imbalances within the body, instead of merely managing the symptoms presented.

It opens meridian pathways, boosts the circulation of blood, and promotes homeostasis. Often promoted as a complementary therapy, BMT can help to alleviate pain, reduce stress, and address various health conditions.

Who Bioelectric Meridian Therapy helps

BMT can be used to assist people of all ages and abilities to restore optimal health, as well as a natural preventative care option for general wellbeing. Most conditions can be treated with BMT as a complementary therapy due to its healing health benefits.

BMT supports General Health, Women’s Health, Children’s Health, Men’s Health, Functional Movement, Gut Health, and Face Health.

Natural health practitioners all over the world are enhancing their clinical practice with the additional benefits of modern electrotherapy. From soft tissue workers including massage therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors to other general health practitioners, BMT is a smart addition to expand your natural therapy practice.

Research and evidence

While there is some research supporting the effectiveness of acupuncture and electrical stimulation for certain conditions, the scientific evidence specifically for Bioelectric Meridian Therapy is still evolving.

ABMMA is currently working with RMIT University in Victoria to further expand the research around BMT’s therapeutic effects. The research will explore the effect and safety of Bioelectric Meridian Therapy on pain: Participant-assessor blinded randomised controlled trial.

Learn more about Bioelectric Meridian Therapy with ABMMA and the ABMMA PRO BMT Device.

Everything you need to know about Bioelectric Meridian Therapy - Academy of Bioelectric Meridian Massage Australia (2025)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.